

Instructions | Information

Dear new REAP students,

First and foremost, we would like to warmly welcome you to the HafenCity University. This will likely be one of the most exciting, as well as complicated, times of your life. You probably have a lot of questions, many of which can be answered during the Welcome Week between October 4th and 8th 2021. During the Welcome Week, you will get plenty of information and tips for studying and living in 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网. This orientation and advising opportunity makes the beginning of your studies easier and is, therefore, highly recommended! Please contact the REAP student council for the detailed Welcome Week program information: fsr-reap(at)hcu-hamburg.de

We wish you all the best for your studies at the HCU and hope your time here will do lots to further your personal and academic development!






Modulplan (starting from 2015)

General information from the HCU Student Administration (Studierendenverwaltung)

Examination and Study regulations

REAP Master Thesis Infos?

Declaration of consent for adding and safeguarding of electronic thesis to the library
